Sunday, May 25, 2008

What A Concert!

I know I am the dad and am probably a little biased. Ok a lot biased but what a great concert. Tonight One Accord from North Central was at our church and these 9 college kids are amazing. Not only are they talented which they are. There is not a weak link among them, maybe a few missing ones, but more about that later. But we have the priviledge of these kids stay in our house all week. Now I know some would think that this is not a priviledge but it is.

To see young people that love God is awesome. The next generation is in good hands. Too many times all we hear are the bad things about the younger generation, but there is a remnant of young people that are passionate about God! They love life, are passionate about their friends, and love God with all their heart!

You can never go wrong pouring into the lives of young people. Let me encourage you to get involved in mentoring the lives of young people today.

Well, it's late and I gotta go. Just keep loving those kids.

Way to go AJ I am proud of you!!


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Birthdays & Stuff

Today is my youngest birthday. It's hard to believe she is turning 12 today. I am much to young to have a twelve year old. Ha Ha who am I kidding, I'm too young to have a 21 year old.

Speaking of a 21 year old it's great to have my son back home for a week. He is in a traveling music group from North Central University called One Accord and my house has been invaded by nine wonderful college students for a week. They are great.

The reminder to me is love your kids to death they grow up way too fast! It seems like yesterday we were coming home from the hospital and now my daughter is 12. My son was just a little boy and now he is a fine young man.

They grow up so quickly and then they are on their own and out of the house. The tragedy that happened this week with Steven Curtis Chapman's family reminds us to hold onto today. Go overboard in loving your kids, hold them tight and pray for them daily!

By the way, if you are in Tulsa and want to hear a great concert come on out to Garnett Assembly Sunday Night at 6:00, One Accord will be in concert and you will love it. This afternoon we took them to Guitar Center and one jumped on the drums and another on the guitar and started jamming. The whole store stopped, listened and loved it.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Here Goes

Well, it looks like I have been badgered into the world of bloggers. I guess bribe is a better word, it cost Angie a Cookie, chocolate chip no less. But if our General Superitendant can have a facebook I can have a blog.

I will try to keep this up to date and daily give you some insights and encouragement. One thing I know for sure, in this crazy mixed up world we need some stabilizing forces in our lives and God is the one person we can count on.

I know my life is full of ups and downs. From kids in college and high school to cars breaking down to unexpected bills and sickness, God is in control. The one thing I can count on is that Jesus never fails. You can lean on him, He won't drop you and he will never let you down.

Talk at ya later.